Thursday, December 18, 2008

Starting Over

So far so good. Fasting is going great! Just had some juice, it is allowed.
Still have to exercise.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bad Bad Bad

Not a good week. I have not lost anything. I have not exercised in the past few days. I have not gained anything which is great but am not proud of myself.

I shall re-start tomorrow with detox tomorrow.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Not Well

I am starting over tomorrow. I did mindless eating yesterday. I am feeling anxious. I am planning on fasting for 24 hours starting tonight. I have not exercised in the past 2 days.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Off to a Rocky Start or May be NOT

Did well in the morning- 2 egg whites with cilantro, spinach, onions, tomatoes and even lunch - baked potato and water, then I went to spend the night at a friend's house and pizza(no sauce) was served. I had 2 slices and took the meat off.

I did drink water lots of it and I exercised!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Once upon a time....

There was a 7 yr old girl named Dahlia who started to gain weight, at the age of 11 her Pediatrician told her parents she had to loose weight. 12 yrs old her mother takes her to a weight loss clinic but they are moving to Florida and there is not a clinic there so they leave. 13 yrs old the mother begins the diet roller coaster that would send this child into a constant dieting until today. The mother would enlist family, friends and anyone she could to "motivate"this girl to loose the weight, the very common-you have such a pretty face talk was constant in this girl's life. At 13 her weight was 145 at 17 was 160. This girl was very aware of her body, her mother's constant nagging of being embarrassed was not help to this girl. At one point the mother right infront of the girl raised her hands to the heavens and asked God why did he give her a skinny daughter. At 21 yrs old the girl got married; she weighed 175 lbs. Shortly after getting married the girl began to hear the husband nag the same her mom did. She would run to the fitness center just to get away from him and for 2 or more hours she would walk on one of the machines at the center. She got down to 135 lbs. She did not see how skinny she had gotten, her husband still nagged her about being a pig. The now woman lost a baby and in the depression stopped going to the center and gained 30 lbs in a few short months. She was never to recover from that weight gain for next 11 yrs she has struggled with her weight loosing a little bit and gaining that and more. At 32 yrs old she had gone up to 218 lbs the biggest ever and size 18. In the last year Dahlia has lost 23 lbs but not without gaining some and loosing some. In July Dahlia lost 14 lbs and quickly gained it..... The End? NO WAY!!!

The party starts now!!! Tomorrow morning I will get back on my eating healthy (NO DIET) and exercise horse.

By this time in the weight loss game I know what works for me. Exercise is #1 in my world followed closely by healthy eating.